There's a reason why thousands of people seek this energy technology
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Dr. James DeBoer, DC, Spine Institute, Palm Springs, CA
"The EESystem is a new technology that generates a therapeutic energy field that can raise the energy level of every cell in the body to its optimum level (70-90 millivolts) within a 2-hour session. This is the most extraordinary technology that I have seen in 20 years of practice as an Alternative Health Care Doctor. The results, which have been obtained with this therapy, are quite frankly miraculous! The EES will significantly assist your body in repairing and healing what's wrong."
Mark R.
"I've explored numerous convention and alternative approaches to overcome fatigue. Most didn't work or didn't last. After a friend's results with EES, I decided to try it. My experience was beyond expectations. It felt like every cell in my body was simutaniously energized yet relaed. And my higher energy keep going!"
Chiyoko Urabe Lawai, Kauai
"After one year of medical attention for heart palpitations and constant throbbing and pounding sound in her head, they are gone after 16 hours in the EESystem."
"I had two moles on my face that were growing larger as the weeks went by, but since attending the EES session once a week, the moles disappeared. The moles are completely gone. I didn't apply any medication or any special lotion on the moles so I can only conclude that this was a result of the EES sessions."
B.C., age 76
"I have had painful consistent leg cramps, and after time in the EESystem my leg cramps are less severe. I can now walk comfortably!"
Fred Risker, Texas
"My Heart Ejection Fraction since February of 2006 has gone from near or less than 20% to close to 40% to 50%. My doctors are both shocked..." "I give credit to God for this remarkable recovery and for the EES technology he has allowed you to use with me."
Pamela Phares
"I had acute muscle spasm on my right shoulder which was painful. In the EES, I felt the muscle spasm break up as though little spiders in the form of energy were coming out of the pain."
Sherry Robinson
"I had such a wonderful nap with beautiful dreams and the peacefulness and the restfulness was nice. The Energy Enhancement System is amazing!!"
D. K., age 47
"My left knee was sore, now there is an absence of pain when I exercise. My jogging performance improved: I jogged 4 min. faster and my heartbeat was three minutes slower."
Elizabeth Huddleson
"I am 72 years old and a lot of my friends are telling me how much more radiant and younger I look. . . .I am much happier and have a lot more energy."